• 14Dec

    Digital Art by Charles Csuri


    What’s most important here? Is it the algorithms which made this picture possible? Or is it more a question of how the code is used by the artist? I didn’t write Renderman and I wonder how many highly competent programmers could even write such sophisticated code. The custom shader used for this picture is interesting. You see the texture map but not the object. I continue to see one aspect of the problem as being able to transcend the challenging technical details to create art. Ultimately a distinction needs to be made between art and technique.

    Algorithms are only tools and a means to an artistic end. What matters to me are things like the texture or an irregular quality representing torn paper. Something connected to the beauty of nature. I like the feeling of space and light, the layering of planes and the sense of movement. The color is special because I used a fragment of a Monet painting as the texture map.

1 Comment to Golden Texture

  • re “child’s face” text below,I feel the next “one of a kind” will need digital assistance to record for display-striking transient events which are difficult or impossible to reproduce in the real world-the artist’s judgement and creativity would still be required,just as a painter selects what to present. this concept was just now inspired by your work and your comments,but i have long held an appreciation of these transient beauties.example:choral marching chants i heard in 1967 which would require duplicating an enormous number of special conditions.If i’d had a very professional modern media recording outfit handy, i might have been able to capture it. however, only a true artist could manipulate the nuances-i’m not able.you might have been very impressed by the visual display of a phenomenon which passed north to south over Ohio about ten years ago,recorded only in my memory.automatic personal recording technology may soon catch up.

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